Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wake me up when September End

又是时候重整心情, 迎接另一月份的到来
距离2010 年竟然还只剩下3 个月

今年的new year eve countdown

站在Sydney's Opera House and Harbour Bridge 前看烟花的心情会是如何呢?

Monday, September 14, 2009

"嫁妝" 就是丈母娘給女婿的回扣。

"代溝" 就是我問老爸覺得"菊花台"怎麼樣,他說沒喝過。

"自戀" 就是下輩子我一定要投胎做女人,然後嫁個像我這樣的男人。

"無語" 就是法官問:你為什麼印假鈔?罪犯說:真鈔我不會印。

"約會" 就是一對男女展現自己前所未有的精湛演技的時候。

"天堂" 就是所有的女人都在,只有你老婆不在的地方。

"無奈" 就是被狗咬了一口,卻無法反咬一口時的感覺。

"醜聞" 就是當你帶一個醜八怪女孩出遊,就會聽到周遭的人所說的話。

"絕望" 就是飯館吃飯點了兩菜,吃第一個:"世上還有比這更難吃的嗎?" 吃第二個:"靠!還真的有!"

"白領" 就是今天發了薪水,交了房租、水電瓦斯費,買了油、米和泡麵,摸摸口袋剩下的錢,感歎一聲:這月薪水又白領了!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Counting down the days...

Tickets just bought today

Brisbane to Sydney 23 Dec until 1 Jan 2010
Sydney to Adelaide 1 Jan until 10 Jan 2010
Adelaide to Melbourne 10 Jan until 27 Jan 2010

27 Jan 2010


Sayonara> to Australia


Saturday, September 5, 2009

There are totally have lots of common things between me and him.
Feel unbelievable
Is a good sign for us ?I'm wondering

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

wake me up when september end

What is your favourite time in the 24 hours? Some people prefer night time instead of the early morning. When you ask me, i will answer the moment between 7am until 8 am with no doubt. yea, i knew for the most working people hate it when they have the same routine everyday. Wake up at 6am ++ , driving to work, stuck in the traffic jam, a moody feeling and feel reluctant to go to the office. I think you probably will start to day dreaming.."What if i am ..... or " How wish i ...." There is the funniest thought in my mind when stuck in the traffic jam everytime. I wish my car can FLY UP to the sky and escape from there when just press on the specific red button. """Phewwwwww!!!!!! """My car just fly to the sky and reach at the destination in just few minutes. I know u guys will have this kind of expression =.=''''' when reading this sentence.

Back to reality,

Another thing that I'm pretty sure you will turn on your favourite radio station and listen to the morning talk show. Whatever Mix , Hitz or myFm....I love the songs which play on the radio every morning because mostly are from the latest pop songs. Besides, the morning talk shows or jokes from DJs are damn funny. OK,please notice the drivers beside your car. You will seeing they are laughing, grinning or singing unconsciously.

Dont know why when i listen to my favourite song which plays on radio, i'll have this kind of weird feeling .Its hard to describe it out tho, but, i knew my heart will feel sour, bitter and it remind me on something else... I am pretty sure you will have this kind of feeling as well which makes you recall back the first scene when listen to the song and how you fall for the song.

In fact, there is one of my top listed song ," Wake me up when September End" from Green Day. Love it to bits and i will keep repeat plays on it especially at the early morning. Moreover, it also make me reflash back the great old days during the Foundation course in Help Uni. The days hang with bunch of little group, the days which full of happiness, the first time move out from family, the first time how i met my ex-bf, the first time and the first time....for everything.

Sigh...Good times never be forgotton. Perhaps ,it leave you with good memories