step in the month of August,year 2008.
as realized that the time passes soooooo fast.
just ask yrself a simple question.
"are you able to achieve the short term goal that planned before year 2008 yet?"
For me , things were going slightly smooth.Not that too bad and Not that too satisfied.
had been gone through 1016 days with my mr.chow since the day 24 october 2006.
Counting down the day to reach end of Jan 2009.5 more months to go.
I am sure it will become a challenging life for me to accept everything which is new.
have to learn how to cook and learn independent
i had started my last semester in Help.talking 3 core subject. only 1 word can describe it.
===> HARD
Hopefully i will enjoy my last semester in Help Uni. When looked back 3 years ago, the life in foundation was bring a lot of sweet memories for me . 10 friends were group into 1 ,so called Little Group. but the friendship between us seem does not keep on moving.
Until today, only sue and I will apply for the Griffith .Winnie and Hwee Kee went to UQ.
So, I hope will meet a bunch of best soul mate at Griffith which i want the most.
Last but not least,
Finally, after 2 and the half years
i changed back to straight hair. Its so easy to maintain it compare to curly hair but just wondering it suit me anot.